Saturday 2 January 2010

A Flylight Graduate

CFKK on her narrow gauge undercarriage (the main gear can just be seen tucked up behind the seat)
in the Flylight workshop.

All three partners at Flylight stood around my trike this morning, commenting on my narrow gauge undercarriage; having a laugh. One of them said they should have thought of it. Paul suggested I leave it in place in flight, just in case I forget to lower the main gear, which I believe is something that each of them has done. I am determined that I never will do.

Everyone seemed in good spirits this morning... a fair amount of glad-handing. I persuaded Steve Prouse to come along and he grabbed a short flight with Neill, who had also popped in briefly. And it was good to catch up, the three of us together again, even if it meant being the butt of their jokes again. I miss that; who'd have thought!

Ben gave me a generous amount of his time. He didn't just stick the plastic panels inside my old monopole splints as I had expected, but replaced the splints entirely with brand spanking new ones, reaming out the lower hole so that all parts now fit snugly. He also did a modification on the monopole pivoting bracket, which isn't structural, but which holds the de-rigged monopole in line. He is a fast worker, which comes of practice.

And while he worked, he gave me a few rigging tips. The solution to my problem, apparently, is to put the compression strut in its place, unpinned at the bottom, then stand with one foot on the seat (to force the keel down) and push the monopole up while slotting the top bolt in; then do the bottom bolt (before remembering to pin the bottom of the strut). To be honest, I thought Steve Wilson had tried that. Still, hopefully, now that my monopole geometry has been fettled and my distorted splints replaced, there's a good chance it will all go well anyway.

I'd been quite chuffed by the faint praise my auxiliary undercarriage got, but then, as I picked up the front wheel and I nonchalantly steered my trike out of the workshop, someone suggested that if Ben and Co had taken the piss, you can be sure they had been impressed.

It was rather nice being a "graduate" at Flylight today. And the quality of after-sales service on my trike was excellent. The beautiful new parts and all Ben's efforts and advice were free!

Thanks Ben.

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