Monday, 6 October 2008

Brilliance and crap!

Today I reached breaking-point in the air. As we climbed out of 210 and turned right into the cross-wind leg......I swore quite fluently and said "I am never going to get this", having flown yet another awful landing. Apparently, that put a smile on Neill's face. It is like hitting "the wall" on a marathon. That moment of crisis is the sign that you are breaking through it. Presumably it gets easier from here?

I have been flying what Neill calls a mixture of "brilliance and crap" and Stew says if I can find the average, I will be doing ok. That's the crux - consistency. Pete from Sackville made it worse by saying, "30 hours and you haven't soloed?", but then I pointed out that I haven't crashed an aeroplane either - which is what he did only a few weeks ago.

My last landing....just after the wall-breaker, followed the best circuit I have ever flown and was a beautiful one, Neill reckons, but you have to remember that, like any good teacher, he wants to be able to send me off on a high. One landing earlier in the day was apparently one he'd have been proud of himself....but others have been really dodgy.

It is pretty clear I am close to solo, which explains my tension-induced erraticism. I will fly a lot better when it is out of the way.

I have another lesson in a minute.

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