Tuesday 28 July 2009

my licencing master-plan!

It has been frustrating waiting for a slot in the weather to do my Sutton Meadows qualifier. So I I have been to see Paul and we have done the paperwork to restrict my licence. It isn't silly. The fact is that a couple more weeks bad weather before I go away could mean me coming back and finding one of my exams has expired and has to be re-taken. They are only current for a year.

Going restricted means that my exams and solo hours are protected. And the way it is going with the weather, doing the paperwork now shouldn't delay my flying of the second qualifier, which only can't be flown when you do not have your logbook (while it is with officials). I could easily have my restricted licence in my hands only a matter of days before I send away to the CAA for the unrestricted one.

I expect to hold my flying licence in a few days' time :)

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