Electric experiments are proving tricky. I think I will stick to spades on the battery and engine...with EC3 in between..on my custom components, mainly because soldering wires on the plane itself is problematic; how do you hold the soldering iron, solder and brass cup, heat everything up, pick up the brass cup without burning yourself, put down the iron safely (not setting fire to the plane, the carpet or the cat and slot the brass cup of solder on the end of a wire before it cools (which happens almost instantaneously)?
It just can't be done.
On a positive note, my prototype jump-start contraption fits the trike well and I have high hopes of it doing the job.
Looking good. Have you thought of a spare portable battery in case you get caught out whilst away from the field by your main battery going flat. Skydrive had some on their stand at the Flying show. 12v Lithium ion weighing about a quarter of the lead acid in your pic. I've emailed them for more info .... I would imagine they are very expensive.
Thanks. Actually, one soldering iron died on the job and the other is not up to the job, so I need to get another; not too sure of the quality of some connections either, so have been back to my connectors guru, Neil Hubbard. Am sticking with the EC3s but redoing some of the soldering.
Yes, those lithium ion things are expensive - saw them mentioned in MF. Am going to get one of those car power-packs (portable jump starters) instead.
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