Friday, 7 December 2018


Well, that is flattering. I just talked to someone selling a Chaser and when I told him my email address he recognised the name Tinworm and told me he was a reader of this very blog!

Hi Paul!

Thursday, 6 December 2018

Wash 'n Go!

After flying with Richard for an hour and a half (P1 for about 45 mins of that), I dropped him off at the hangar and went off for a final solo circuit, before coming back to the hangar to negotiate the sale of my half share,  That last circuit was bittersweet...and the landing was a greaser; a great way to end three and a half years of fantastic flying. 

I really couldn't have had a better plane-share partner. Richard Noremberg (seen here washing BUC, which he put on her tail to test out his new cordless washer) is an experienced three-axis pilot, who like me came from flexwing. But while he feels that fixed wing is where he belongs, he knows that I have never really felt that it is really my thing. I have been itching to go back to flexwing for some time....and of course, in the meantime I have started doing gyrocoptering, too.

Almost looks like it is taking off!

Richard has been very generous with his time and expertise - often allowing me to take P1, as he lives more locally and can more easily get flying than I can, and I have benefited from his guidance. When I am on my own and flying a little too nose high, I can hear his voice in my head saying, "Watch your speed!"

Well, we have done the deal, the money is in the bank, and now I am on the look-out for a flexwing - possibly something classic: maybe a Chaser S, a Flash 2 Alpha or a Pegasus XL-Q?

If anyone has something suitable for sale, or is aware of anything, please shout! Email

And finally, a huge thanks to Rich for the last few years.


Sunday, 30 September 2018


I have decided to learn to fly gyros,
known variously as autogyros, gyroplanes or gyrocopters. 
But they are all the same thing.

I shall be blogging my progress in a new blog, 